Apr 25, 2018

Wellbeing Event

Robin Brooke Centre

We listened to speeches from the following luminaries:

Professor Steve Thornton welcomed everyone there and also students from Malta on a live link. He went on to give personal and amusing snippets from his own life as a young doctor and his views on wellbeing. Unfortunately, his talk was shorter than it might otherwise have been because he had to dash off to another appointment. This was a shame because his stories and reminiscences were so interesting and it would have been good to hear more.

Professor Anthony Warrens also gave an interesting and engrossing talk using his own experiences as a young medic and giving a personal perspective on wellbeing. Once again I found the that personal stories not only held the attention but I think it made me more receptive to the message put forward. I would have enjoyed hearing more.

Lydia Bleasdale, Leeds University, presented some interesting statistics aided by good graphics and although Jane and I would have liked to stay for the whole talk we had to leave before the end to set up our Let’s Talk Hearts stall.

Jane Batchelor and I set up our stall in the Pathology Museum and were joined by Becky one of the team of lovely and very competent and hard-working Research Nurses from William Harvey. We explained the work we did to everyone who would listen.  Becky also valiantly tried to recruit patients onto the AIM-HY Study but regrettably the attendees were mainly of the wrong demography. The study is trying to recruit more patients from the Afro-Caribbean and South-East Asian communities in particular because they are under-represented She did persuade one plucky individual to have her blood pressure taken though. 

There were an impressive array of displays highlighting the work being done and impressive artwork from the students. 

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