Preparation  visit for Let’s Talk Hearts at new venue

After emails flowing between Jane Batchelor and myself with different members of staff at Bromley by Bow, that raised a few issues, I met Jane at Bromley by Bow Station and walked the route to the Community Centre.

The estimate of a three-minute walk from the station appeared about right but on arrival at the Community Centre it wasn’t immediately clear where we should head to so we meandered around to get the lay of the land.

The Centre has a very attractive, welcoming appearance and more importantly looked quite busy for a Tuesday morning. We found the church where the talks are to take place and made a note that  the entrance is in Bruce Street which is the first turning on the left at the corner of the centre building. 

We then went to the Centre’s admin section and spoke to Nasima. She was unable to show us into the hall because there was a meeting going on in there but she did show us around the centre and where the toilets were etc. She also noted our requirements for the day regarding seating and refreshments and Jane gave her copies of the email orders made by us and confirmation from the centre. Jane also left posters for them to display and mailing list invitations. 

Jane was able to obtain Nasima’s telephone number in case of emergencies on the day and arranged to meet her to gain access and check the set-up.

After the meeting we scouted the immediate area and found two schools and a Children Centre that happily accepted posters and agreed to put them up and one said it might be possible to have it put in their Newsletter.

We also investigated the bus stops to see which buses stopped nearby coming from areas like Canning Town, Stratford and Ilford.

It was a necessary and worthwhile visit.

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